What is a small business? It is a business that isn’t large, that was
simple enough. But really what is
it? It is just like a large business,
but with a smaller focus. It still has
the same goals, to make a profit, conserve resources, and don’t spend too much
to get the job done. However, the challenge is much harder when
there is a limited staff.
It never ceases to amaze me when I
come in contact with a small successful business. It almost seems to me that if you distill it
down you almost have the same recipe.
Common Goal
Defined Process
Get Paid
Attract New Customers
Then they repeat the process over
and over again as quickly as possible and make the most of their opportunity. The purpose of this blog is to look at some of
the issues that are common to all business enterprises, and then look at
solving these common problems.
Let’s start off by observing a
small operation like a Lawn care company.
While living in a large urban gated community, it was easy to see that
there were a large number of companies providing lawn service, and it was
interesting to watch the different companies that frequented the neighborhood. Some companies stood out, they had trailers
full of equipment. The equipment was
organized, put into specific places; bags for lawn cuttings, fuel, oil, and
spare equipment in case of failures.
Each person in the crew would do a specific job, and from start to
finish it would take some where close to half an hour and they would be gone to
the next house. The customer could pay
cash, or set up a monthly account.
While they were in the neighborhood, they would ask other people if they
needed their lawn cut, and would work them in as needed.
Their goal was to get the lawns
mowed, follow a proven process, offer to provide additional services like tree
trimming, get paid, ask other neighbors if they needed similar services, and
move on.
Short and sweet business plan, hard
work, but none the less, it is work that pays.
They had their phone number on their truck, and they also carried
business cards that could be handed out.
Common Goal
Defined Process
Get Paid
Attract New Customers
Of course, pay taxes, keep the
books, keep up with personnel, maintain the equipment, and all of the other
things that come along with running a business.
How can they improve, what problems
can they avoid, and how could technology help a small lawn care company? They could use email, a website, and
scheduling software. In the next post we
will take a look at some of the problems and solutions that can be implemented to
help our example company.
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